Help with something!

I just created a watch face and, on my watch, (Galaxy watch 5 Pro) and the second hand stops and goes. Any ideas? Never Done this on my Galaxy watch 3.


Are you using AOD ? Second hand does not run on AOD . Is it a Sweep hand or a Tick one . Limit the number of Faces on your watch if you re a developer . Two Button Reboot on the Watch clears the Cache .


Would be a good idea to show us the Face with Inspection Open so we can test it out ourselves and look into it my friend :+1:


Does the rotation box have #DWFSS# or #DWFS#? If it’s with a single “S” that is set for tic and not smooth which is “SS”.

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Not using AOD and it’s a smooth (sweeping) hand in the editor


I’m using the #DWFSS# for smooth/sweeping hand


That works fine on my 5 Pro and 6 Classic. What it doesn’t work on is my old Fossil Carlyle. Even when I am using #DWFSS# it will tick for some reason. I think it’s because it’s running WearOS 2 and that is the way Fossil programmed it to work.


But it doesn’t tick, it will go smooth but at times, it’s like it’s lagging a bit


I just tested a few others of mine and the second hands on them are very smooth


What’s the file size and dimensions on the hand image?
You have had multiple issues with this watch. Was it new or reconditioned and is it still in warranty?

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@pinbal24 . I would rebuild this face from scratch . I have never seen this before . I have inspected my own faces to see if they are over the top memory wise . This is the only way I know on Facer . I have a Face that is pretty full resources wise and it shows 44 M . This one was showing 400mb and growing while I tested it . I have never seen the growing thing before . That looks to me like a serious Bug to me .


Which template did you use to build the watch face? There is a built in bug with the “Big & Bold” template (if that is still the case…):

check this thread:


I bought it used from a pawn shop for 75. The watch is in mint condition too, no scratches on the screen or anything

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I used the Analog Template

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The hands I am using were made by this user: @shaheran2020

image is 500x500 4.5KB

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well, now it seems like it’s moving smoothly now after rebuilding the face.


I have had invisible bugs creep into my work . Rebuild from scratch was the only way . My guess is Facer would be really Intrested in the Bug in that Face . I will have another look see if that error is reproducable . Intresting how quick it is to make a rebuild .

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