Here's My Latest Face That I'm Really Pleased With

I’m not a Premium Member, so can’t “Park” the Analogue Hands when they’re obscuring other information in a Face, so I’m quite “chuffed” that I worked out how to deal with the Hands temporarily obscuring my Day/Date Wheel here :grin:
As always, any thoughts, opinions, or suggestions are welcome :slightly_smiling_face:


Only one thing to say about this Watch Face. Brilliant.
I love the way the little numbers come round and kick slightly mangled second hand. Who wants a smooth second had. One thing it is not is an Omega. Good show sir. The bezels with curved text are a masterpiece.
And your trick with the Date . What can I say. Straight to the Charts.
Love it.


Thanks a lot Rusty, our idea with the Seconds is definitely great, so thanks again for your time and input on that my friend :+1:


I think that if you pay the premium for a single month … and then continue working, using the free program …
Your design with the effect that you said … stays forever in advertising on …) You can try
And regarding your design ….
When I saw it for the first time, I don’t know why, but it gave me a feeling of Russia, … *Interesting … :crazy_face:
Very cool idea … :muscle:
Cordially my friend :cowboy_hat_face:


Yeah there is a Soviet feel to that . I like a Soviet look : )


If you want hand parking without premium, one of the first watch faces I ever made as a test does a temporary park when switching from dim to active.

I’ve learned a lot since then and could probably do it better/easier with interpAccel now, but just so you get the idea (go to dim and back):


Thanks for that Matt :+1:

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