Hey good people can i get some help please?

could someone help me with a code where as the star image on the right would travel from the right hand side and stop in the centre and vice versa for the left? i was playing around with the #DWFSS# but working out how to get it to travel in from the right or left and stop in the centre is well beyond me.

Any help given is always appreciated


Hi Liam,

Can describe the ‘function’ you’d like the star to perform.


Rich (MACH-1)

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literally just move from left to right and stop at centre, and for opposite side right to left stop at centre if that makes sense?

So say left star “A”. “A” would be off screen to the left and would (scroll?? i think would be the word) scroll left to right stopping at roughly the centre of the watch face?


how long is the duration of the movement? When does it happen? How often? It should be pretty easy to code in the y position field but how exactly depends on the above questions.

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this is what i was going using the Y section. as for duration of this im unsure i had in mind that when you looked at your watch star “a” would start moving into view from the left moving right to stop in the centre for maybe 2 or 3 seconds and then maybe move back?


Looks like you’ll have to have a few stars to see at a certain time. One star moves towards the center and disappears. A second star appears after the first star disappears and will be visible for some time. Then it disappears and a third star appears, which moves from the cent. So on and so forth.

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i did not think about this @lucky.andrei with your method in mind i don’t suppose you would know of a code to achieve this do you gent?


There is a code for this, you just need to calculate the appearance time for all three stars to fit into a specific time period.

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As always @lucky.andrei Gentleman and a scholar this should be perfect for what i needed thank you so much gent.