Highlight Saturday and Sunday on date ring

I have a date ring and a ring with semi-transparent windows to put over Sat and Sun to highlight those days in red. It only sort of works. I’d look at it again but Facer Creator is doing its “I can’t load that face you were working on” dance again.

Does anyone have such a thing I could inspect the code for?


Try this old one of mine. Highlights current in red:

So. don’t try and do everything in one element. Have a background element carrying the extra FX.
Mine is on the Day.
Or this for a simple bold on Day

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This could be useful in case I’m wrong with my first thought that I could manage without too much trouble. The color change for the text section under “Today” is interesting.

This is what mine looks like. Fixed date ring. I will have a pointer to the day, which is indeed easy since they give you a rotation value by day.

The semi-transparent windows are on a ring set above the fixed date ring. Their purpose is to show weekends in the future.

Just tried to access the edit on this one and it loaded. I’ll try out what I was going to try now which is to have a separate see-through ring for each day of the week. Rotate all the rings by date and then show the correct one for a given day.

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OK, this may be close. Published so you could have a look.

I was trying to see if I could do a simpler version of this.

I may be seeing why there are those four dots between 31 and 1. February looks odd and that extra space may make it look less odd. I shall consider whether it is worthwhile to explore that.

Right now I’m going to put a pointer in instead of a hand for day indication and put in some hour and minute hands.


Good job. Clean readable and easy to see.
I also love that you subscribe to the proper naming of elements rather than leaving them as Shape, Shape, Digital Time etc…

You don’t need to publish to share in the community. I have several tutorial or templating ones here that are draft for folks to look at and play with.

You obviously have the knowhow to make, or at least use images as hands. I have a wee face I use, with markers that I can export and cut to make new hands at need:

I think you can reduce things more with some expression calculations so you don’t need one element for each day of the week, just one image with multiple conditions.

Also, learning day, I was not aware there was actually a #DMR# tag. It’s not in the tag list. Is there an updated tag list somewhere?

I look forward to seeing the evolution of your day bezel.

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Indeed, one rotating element for marking weekends is what I’m really after. We’ll see how it goes.

By George you’re right, I checked the tags list the ? points to in Creator and it’s not in there. Did a search on rotation and went through the 13 lines it pulled up and didn’t see it. No idea why I know it exists besides this not being my first face with a date ring. I suspect I hit the tag button for the indicator hand and scrolled way down.

If you have a sensible date ring with 31 days evenly distributed, that’s all you need. For this next iteration I put in those four dots and decided to express it as (((360/35)*#Dd#)+195.5)

That’s an interesting method for constructing hands. I’ll have to keep it in mind. Do you put that entire section into a new watch face for custom hands or do you have a method for saving the hands made as one image?


I loved these models! Congratulations!

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