How can I make an object rotate a bit slower or faster then the second hand

How can I make an object rotate a bit slower or faster then the second hand

It would be as simple as


to go slower or


to go faster. Of course using your own multipliers.

Problem here is, going slower cuts the degrees your object would rotate. Going faster wouldn’t be a big problem unless you’re trying to make a loop animation, in which case I can imagine only 0.5 and 1 multiplier increments would look fine.


Hi. I tried but it does not work. The objects are rotating the same speed as the second hand. I’m trying to make a watch face with planets that rotate the sun but it looks stupid when the planets are rotating the same speed.

Don’t forget the ( )

Here, have a look at this

White is normal,
Green: ((#DWFSS#*0.1)*60)
Yellow: ((#DWFSS#*0.2)*60)
Red: ((#DWFSS#*0.5)*60)


I forget the ( ) :smiley:
Thank you, now I got it working like I want it to :slight_smile:

I’m trying to do this but not working for me. I take it this is a PRO feature?

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No it is not pro . I smother everything in ( ) . I check that Code runs OK in a Text Field .
Keep it simple .
This test is inspectable . Click on the title of the face then the little rocket on the left .

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I got it, Thank you :+1: