How do I see how many likes my watchface has received?

It Seems like my watchface is trending a little but I can’t figure out how to see my stats . You know like how many downloads how many likes ect. I created my watchface for me to use. I created it for my needs but it seems like a lot of people like it too. It would be nice to see how many people like it.

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I don’t know how to see the likes, but if you hit the create button, and scroll down to your published faces, there it will show the total and individual number of downloads and comments.

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Cool thank you . I was trying to see it on the app lol. Yay I’m up to 1017 downloads . I’m the shit . Lol. Jk

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@leviwoods Jolly well done. As far as I know there is no Stats for likes. But if you Go-Pro it might be different.

Welcome to the Facer Community @leviwoods :wave:

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The app can show other info, namely you can check there profile of person who liked or commented, which the creator page for unknown reason does not allow. And congratulations :slight_smile:

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