How do I spin something according to battery live remaining? As other words, like making a fan to spin full speed at full battery the slowing down as the battery life drops. TIA and appreciate the help!
For this you would have to set some premises first.
Should the speed change directly proportional to the battery level, or start to slow down lets say below 50%? And then go to 0 at 0%, or still do some movement?
the first case is simplest
(seconds hand rotation tag #DWFSS# times the battery charge ratio #BLN#/100 times some multiplier)
Very nice little test there Peter .
Very good indeed but you must know that you’ll have to create that Face to Publish now, with that Pacman animation eating the White Circles so they disappear
It actualty works on the Web Preview .
exactly what I was looking for, Thank you
Nice. I like very simple examples of stuff. Going to have to play with that text effect on the time too.
Improved orange I see, or I saw an old one earlier in the year where the mouth movement was no centred on the rotation.
This is what I’m working on
I simply add new things to some less cluttered older examples, as I do not want to add new ones each time (already have twice as many unfinished faces as published ones)
Oh yes. I know that. May work out more unpublished now I am likely to have one template face per complex masked one.
Liking where you are going @pinbal24
I have 2,000 faces 360 published . Most are tests I can not bring myself to delete . Can not find anything I did before , so I have to make a new one to remind myself how stuff works . My wife gets so cross when I repeat myself . I tell her that is how Poetry and Lyrics are made . Boom Bang a Bang .
I’m having trouble finding elements in this face so…
Well, I think I’m done with this. I didn’t want to clutter it up. But I’m liking the fan part.