How do tints work with sequences

I have tried a couple of times to make white on transparrent images for sequences and tint them on the face but the tint colour in creator always remains white regardless of the colour selected.
I then have to colour each frame in the art package and often never get it quite right, or have to do it all over if I change the colour scheme.

See the PacMan sequence on this sample (frames below):


Yeah. It is confusing that there is an option to Tint a Sequence. It will not tint despite accepting a setting but losing it when the sequence is run. The only thing I can suggest is to put a filter over the top.


It’s not even that it doesn’t show in the onscreeen anmation but that it allways shows white in the creator regardless of the colour chosen.

That is it remembering the colour entered but still retaining white in the circle.
Should there be a bug for this already or do I need to create one that it just does not work?

I have not found one but did not want to create a duplicate. I am either doing it wrong or it just does not work and needs to be fixed @Facer_Official

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Still not fixed 3 years later then

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Waiting Waiting Waiting .

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Keep them doggies waitin’
He Sighs.

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