How to choose between two watch faces

Is it possible to make 2 watch faces on the same watch by some how switching between them and how is it then done? Hope it’s not a stupid question, just curious to know.

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To do that you would have to have the Pro upgrade and then use VAR toggle to switch between the two.


Ok, I was thinking it was something like that. I have the Pro version of Facer, and I also use the Beta version. Thank you for the answer, I will try to do a watch like that.

Hello, dear colleague. If you have purchased the professional version of Facer, you can create changing faces as you said

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Here is an inspectable sample.
Tap TX logo to change faces or views.


Great, thank you all

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As a Free User, I would have thought it’s possible to create 2 different Faces as 1 Face, and have it set to change by tilting the Watch… :thinking:


Yes . Great if you wear you watch in bed at night . Because of your viewing angle the Face could be different . I will post a simple Test from my Laptop .


Ah, how good it is to see the Community all coming together on an idea :grinning::bulb::grinning:


I do not mean to Hijack the Topic but this is one of my favourite Free Maker ways of flipping a face . You will see in the formulas the Angle is 45 out of 90 . It is best to use this tag for flipping you will see it is not very smooth . Also you will see Jiggery Pokery with the Battery Icons because they do not work with Opacity much like The Weather Icons and Sequences .
Be Aware that all the other Accelerometer and Gyro Tags do not work well at all . Well that was true last time I tested them . I have published a test for the lot if you don’t want to make one for yourself .



I see the most convenient way, using custom variable tags has been suggested. It results in a face becoming automatically premium.

For fun and a poof of concept I used the 12/24h and metric/imperial tags for switching alternative bezels on free analog face. This principle can be used for any elements of the watch face, however it is more cumbersome than simply triple tap to swap faces and is limited to faces that do not feature elements related to units or time display system.


This is true, but I don’t want to give away @russellcresser’s secret sauce that he has shared with us, without his permission to share it. There must be some sort of honor between us thieves. :rofl:


Ha Ha . Bargain Basement Give Away .