How to create seconds progress bar that goes forward and backwards?

Hey, guys. So, I have this question about the seconds progress bar. I want to create one that goes from 0 to 60 on minute one, and then from 60 to 0 on minute two, and so on. Is it possible? Does anyone know the code for it?

thanks in advance.


Hi zrc.welcome
you can use this code (clamp(#DWFSS#, 0, 360)/360) … for circle progres bar
you paste in (Fill Ratio)

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Hey man, thanks for the answer. Yes, it is a circle progress. I just tested it, but unfortunately it returns the same result as a normal seconds progress bar, meaning that every minute, it starts over from 0 to 60 :frowning:

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Do you want it to go back and forth?

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This works . Good old UNIX timer . God know what we will do whent e Bits run out .


Perfect :star_struck:

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Hey Listen @sepandar . Sorry to jump in like that . I am quite well known for pissing on the Parade , I spent all this time playing with DWFSS . The unix timer is good if you want to go freelance like Decimal Clocks and that sort of thing . Have a play . I was introduced to the Unix Modulo % by @petruuccios . Look out for his work .

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Yes, just like the example that russell pasted here. Thats the effect I’m looking for, but the formula you shared here didn’t do the trick for me. It just restarts from 0 to 60 every time


Its ok… I am glad that you helped me. I was also searching :hugs:

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@zrc98 . Do you know how to Inspect the test and extract the code from it ?

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No, not really

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So click on the Title of the Test then the little rocket on the left hand side . You need to be on the Web Pages not Mobile Apps . Let us know how you get on . You will find a lot of work Inspectable . Inviting to to take what you want , but leave the rest.

Set the Rotation on the second hand to $#Dm#%2==1?#DWFSS#:-#DWFSS#$ and it will stay aligned with the progress circle


Ha Ha . Then the Cavalry Arrive . Genius . You lot watch this Guy he has a Brain .
So bending that you can /360 and use it for the Fill .
Thanks for the Education . Topic Bookmarked .
BTW I drop seconds hands into tests like that for reference . Like the running number .
Thanks again . Feels like a Community response to me .


That one is easier for me to understand :grin:

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I did not expect the negative fill ratio would work, but it does at least in preview.
If it possibly cause any trouble I would rather use something like this
using 0 or 1 in the first condition actually defines, whether the growing part will be in odd, or in even minute.

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Yeah I was surprised . I did not have time to test it . House Work got in the way . Thanks for joining in Peter . Sorry to Invoke you . You probably would have Picked this up any way .

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To ADD . These all work on my GW4 and that is quite strict these Days with Syntax. If any one wants to Sync the test let me Know . Thanks again Peter and .

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Hey, sorry for the late response, got busy yesterday and didn’t have the chance to follow up on this. Well, the first test didn’t work out for me, with this formula on the circle progress fill ratio:

(clamp(#DWFSS#, 0, 360)/360)

Actually, I just made another test, but, same results.

But, I tried the formula that shared here on the second hand, and it worked like a charm, going back and forth.

Answering your other question, yes, I’m doing it on the web page, not mobile, but, I don’t know if I’m doing anything wrong with the progress circle formula since it refuses to work properly.

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See the formulas Peter Has tweaked . Or inspect my Test . The one gave us is for a Hand only it gives angles 0 - 360 - 0 . The fill for a Progress bar in this case is 0 - 1 - 0 .
The easiest way for people to help someone who is stick is to Inspect their work . No one is Interested in stealing anything . They don’t Come here . Let us know if you do not know how to make your work inspectable . If that is what you would like to do .