I want to use some different design parts in my watch face like minute hands, tick marks, numbers etc. Facer design interface is limited.
Where do you find new parts or how do you design it and import to facer?
Please help, I am newbie
In the resource section of this forum you will find index, tick marks, hands, weather and moon icons, ect. that the community has made and given to use. A lot of us use photoshop, affinity, paintdotnet, ect as graphics tools. Making your own is best, but having some to play with helps. Hands need to have their rotation in the center so your image will not ‘wobble’. searching the posts will give you a lot of information about doing it. This community is awesome and always willing to help. I will try to find you some good bookmarks i have and share with you on getting started
this is not the one i was looking for but see if it helps. If not I will make a tutorial up for you. if @russellcresser comes along and sees he will know exactly the bookmark im talking about and most likely share with you
Ok I understood better now. I have another question, what if I want a unique hand? Are there any platform that I can find many different hands like community forum? Or if I want to create it myself, which programs are the best? Which tool do the designers use most common? Photoshop?
There are some community made hands and other resources. I use PDN and Affinity designer for 99% of my designs. Others use PhotoShop, illustrator, really any graphics editor. You want something that supports pixel and vector graphics. the Facer editor resizes files over 640 X 640 to 320 X 320. The face comes out 320 X 320. I usually draw at a minimum of 960 and export at the 320 facer wants anyway. It has been said that the resizing is best done pre-load. I have done both ways and sometimes, maybe, you can tell a difference. Remember that monitor is way bigger than watch face and you can drive yourself crazy messing with lines and shadows that will not render on watch anyway🙄
Hmm I got it. I need to try to design some faces by using these very precious infos. I will check PDN, Affinity designer and the other applications and check which one is the most useful for me. Maybe I should drive myself crazy messing with face I think it will be instructive. I like to reflect my ideas on a visible interface and thank you for helping me on this way
Thanks for sticking around for reply. So often we respond and make stuff and person asking never comes back! lol I try to keep an eye out for your post and help if can, like i said there are a lot of good people here from all over the world that will help. Making faces seems to be very addictive. PDN is free and powerful, learning curve not to steep either. Keep facing and have fun!
I spent ages making a list of Links and touched the wrong key on my keyboard and they disappeared .
So I am not doing it again .
When you find a Topic you are interested in down at the bottom is a list of Similar Topics . So this is the beginning of your crumb trail .
There is a Ton of stuff that has been posted in and out of the Resources Section .