How to make a WiKi

Test comming later . " Wiki Prototype Test of Banned Words Likley to get a Published Face Taken Down .

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Inmy opinion ‘List of banned words likely to get a published face taken down’, is a good title for the first wiki. There should be some explanatory text at the top - something like this perhaps -

Facer has a strict copyright protection policy using copyrighted symbols on your watchface, or, words in the title or description when publishing your watchface is likely to cause that your watchface is taken down by Facer. . The following list of banned words is not complete and will be updated as and when more banned words become known.

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Nice My friend . I was wondering if we should say that Certain people can Edit the list . I will make a note that the list will be maintained at the top of the Topic . If It is mentioned that many can edit I would say that It does not have an administrator and it is a Topic with the True Spirit . However the topic should not be Hijacked as others will follow .
Well it is out there . I think It should have WiKi in the title.

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My notes on using WIKI Markup are long gone. Google will be a good source for those of you maintaining it. I’ll opt out.

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If we don’t have a new category called ‘Wiki help’ or something similar then Wiki in the topic title would be good, however, my opinion is that we have a new category just to keep things tidy. That way we don’t hide wiki’s somewhere in a category that may not be appropriate.

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Yeah . I thought Watch Face Design was Generic Enough . I could have Dumped it in the Lounge .

I don’t think that all users have access to the lounge so it’s good where you put it :slight_smile:

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Ha Ha I was pulling your Leg . It would be the Most stupid Place to Put Anything . Are you signed up ?

Yes - it’s automatic when you become a regular. The lounge definitely would not be the best place! I think that stuff like that is a ninety’s thing and is long past its sell by date. My apologies for thinking that’s what you meant- i forgot about humour…

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Light Banter does not carry well in text . Especially if your spelling is really Bad .