I can’t find any information about how to make and use a wiki. If there is such information please give a link
Not Sure what you mean Exactly. But I don’t think we can make them on Here .
I read about what the trust levels were and found that users trust level 1 and above can edit wiki’s which would be ideal for the banned words list. However what i thought was an advert at the top of the page for ‘Discourse’ seems to be something unrelated to Facer users or at least something we can’t use. If either is the case then why mention it at all?
Oh well - maybe someone else knows
Where do you see this Trust Level Thing .
I’ve had some WIKI experience but not here at Facer. Whatever you saw may have been some old component of the community software. There seems to be a lot of that from years past, such as the Lounge, that nobody uses anymore now that there is a Slack group and the Facebook group for members. Based on activity members could move up “Trust Levels” that would give members special permissions. I doubt that has a bearing on anything anymore.
I can’t get facer to let me copy the link but if you go to badges and click on leader - ‘granted’ it explains all the trust levels. Trust level 1 Basic and above gives the possibility for users to edit wiki’s. This I think would have been ideal for the list of banned words as most would be able to update it (if they knew about it) and @russellcresser wouldn’t have the hassle he has now.
Yeah . I think that is a Miss Maming of Topic . I have been given that one . I belive that is the only Gift for Long Service . I would go and check it but I am doing something else . When you can not find a link for something give Part or all of a Screen Shot . But Sorry I am certain there is No True WKi Page for Facer . Some have posted Links to Open source Cloud Files but each contributor would have to Login to it . That lia is in no way Comprehensive . it is more tger for Fun and Example . Many get there after thier Face is taken down .
The only thing I can think of, is that you can edit your own posts in this community. The name Wiki, as below screen shot, is probably misleading. Could be that this wohl community is actually based on Wiki technology.
I just spent 10 minutes trying to achieve what you have posted
’ Could be that this wohl community is actually based on Wiki technology.’ - that would make sense…maybe someone from Facer will chip in and clarify.
If you can find the WIKI location have fun!
So, I found out that this community is built using discourse.
In the features (see link above), it lists “Collaboratively edit wiki posts” - but not sure what that means, could be that Facer has not enabled the wiki feature…
here maybe more insights to that:
Then again if I click on the 3 dots of my message, I can click on the wrench:
OK, so if I click on the wrench and do “Make Wiki” of this specific message, you should be able to edit my message…
See the little orange ICON above?
@BIELITZ just edited this!
@russellcresser Wiki Edit test . Well done Tom .
Hi @tom.vannes just edited your ‘wiki’ post and not only that, Facer gave me the wiki editor badge!
Wow . Amazing Guys . I have bookmarked this to work through . I suppose it has to be Me to make the Band words Editable . I wonder how long it may Be editable . I know that it stops being so after w While . Perhaps one of you guys will Get that going and I will Post the last Copy I have of the List . He He .
I suggest there is discussion about how to do this.
Here are some of the decisions that needs to be made imho:
- Where to put the wiki - i suggest a new category called ‘Wiki help’ or something similar.
- The title of each wiki for example ’ List of banned words’
- If a note should be added that only TL2 and up may add to the wiki.
- If entries shall be followed by ’ updated by’
- If a moderator should be elected for each wiki. (NOT me I’m without Internet for several months each year!)
Please add any comments or thoughts on the matter. Also should Facer official be involved?
Yup . All good there So Can the Wiki Be read by anyone on The Community . I think Trust Level says most of It . I would not like to moderate something like that . A Directory of WiKi is a Brilliant Idea.
Please excuse me this is just a WiKi making test .
So make a Post or Topic and post it .
Go back and Hit the three dots Then the Wrench / Spanner.
Make WiKi shows up .
So thank you @BIELITZ for the Fascinating Topic and @tom.vannes for the Advanced Research . We will not get the best out of this game without being on a Voyage of Discovery .
I think I got my Christmas Present early . I will not do anything with the Banned Words list till we have worked something out .
Perhaps a Prototype Topic to see how it goes .
5328 users have trust Level 1 = Basic Badges
415 are level 2 Members
Trust Level 3 = Regular , 23 granted

Do you think it might be a good idea to send a support ticket to Facer Officials (using the form) so they can approve and/or discuss this project with those of you planning on working on it?
Surly if it is something on the Forum Platform it was put there to be used . Facer have given out the Badges . No one has Taken anything they should not . Fact is someone was Curious and someone else did the research and answered the Question . Not Facer Staff I might Add .
@Linlay @russellcresser The facility to make a wiki is already here so I dont see any problem in using it. We can use it and we should use it - we have a need to use it with or without input from Facer. HOWEVER, there appears that there are no rules about HOW to use them and in this case I think that guidance from Facer would be welcome - note I said guidance and not approval. Rules will be important which is why I started this topic. If WE don’t set this up properly it will become a complete mess.
I see no reason why as @russellcresser suggests a test Wiki can’t be made and as @Linlay has some experience with Wiki this could be valuable input. As @russellcresser has indicated we need some bones to hang this and any other wiki’s we decide to make.
I see a need for wiki’s for the banned words and for standard replies to standard questions ( restart watch, reinstall app, open weather etc etc.)
I would like to think that more of the regular posters would add their thought’s before we start on this project but on the other hand we shouldn’t be waiting for Facer staff to show up either!