How to make seconds counter vertical instead of horizontal

I am trying to design a watch face that includes a second counter where the digits are listed vertically with a leading zero. This would mean that if it were at 25 seconds, for example, the 2 would be on top of the 5. or for another example if it were at 8 seconds there would be a 0 over top of an 8.

Hopefully, that makes sense, but please feel free to ask clarifying questions. I appreciate any and all help,.


The elegant, easier for making harder to find source way would be, to find suitable font, that has all glyphs (or at least the digits) turned 90° left, so you just turn the text field with #DsZ# 90° right. There are not many.

More reliable way is to split the seconds into two fields above each other.
Top one with text (floor(#Ds#/10)) bottom one with text (#Ds#%10).


Thank you so much! That was exactly what I was looking for!


Welcome to the Facer Community @davidthegiantkiller where you can already see there is loads to learn and lots of helpful people too. Have fun creating :smiley: