I cannot get passed the "Triple Tap to Explore" screen on Active 2

I have a new Samsung Active 2 but I cannot get passed the Triple Tap to Explore Screen to show an actual watch face. I have tried everything. Installing/uninstalling the app on my watch, turning my watch on/off, tapping it really hard, the display is not dimmed. I do not know what to do. No matter how hard or fast I tap on the screen. Please help.

As of right now that is the only “face” you have on the watch. It happens every time I have to install Facer on a Samsung watch. Use your phone app to search for new faces. As you sync more new faces you will see more faces when you triple tap. You can also sign in to the Facer website on your computer and search there for faces and also sync faces by clicking the watch icon on the lower right of each watch face. I have over 1200 faces you can search through on my Facer home page and all of them are Free.

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Welcome to Facer, cloudkicker09!
As mrantisocialguy mentioned, once Facer is installed on watch and phone, you can search using phone or computer. You will love it here. There are thousands of awesome free and paid faces. You also have the option to become a Premium Member.
If you are on the computer don’t forget to click “Show More” in all designers’ profiles to view all their themed collections of designs. Once you find favorite designers, you can follow them in order to be notified when they publish new designs. My profile is HERE with over 50 collections.
Have fun and let us know if you have any other questions.