I’ve been designing a new Apple watch face, and came across an idea of a neat way to display numbers, specifically step count for me.
I like the idea of mixing old tech and objects with modern styling and design. Taking an old mechanical number display, like you see on combination pad locks, old gas pumps, old steam gauges. What do you guys think of the idea, and how can it be better implemented?
Yes it works. I had to delete the vertical line seperaters for the digits though. For some reason, once the face is added to an Apple watch, the numbers would always shift to the right. Tried a few possible solutions like (clamp and (floor , I made sure to use fixed width fonts, etc.
Because nothing changes quickly on Facer / Apple Faces I would not worry to much about Fonts jiggling on the screen . perhaps centre justify everything . I know there is a discrepancy between the Windows in Creator an the watches . There is another problem / Topic running with some Fonts not justifying properly . I am sure it will be sorted soon .There are so many on going things that need sorting . It takes Time.