I need dis - Watch Sticky Notes


LOVE IT!:heart_eyes:

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:grinning: Now that’s funny! I wonder how many they’ve sold.

LOL! :smile:

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My prayers have been answered haha!

Haha I was reading the description of the first one and it reminded me of me a little bit. I have a circle tattooed onto my hand that I write notes that I need to remember in. When I was a younger I used to get bored at work and I would draw a face in it that represented my mood of the day and people started calling it my “mood ring.” The watch idea is great too! I think it would be really handy to quickly capture rough ideas for faces as well as just being plain awesome.

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@Facer_Official should send a pack to everyone that get a design over 10k syncs or for each 50k cumulative syncs.

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