I thought I would try something a little different than normal

MAG 1449


WAY !!! :+1: :100: :slightly_smiling_face:

*** VERY, VERY interesting how you did the seconds !!! *** :writing_hand: :wink:
wonderful job and idea !!! @mrantisocialguy
To change the subject is quite interesting !!!
I’m also changing the subject and I’m thinking which one … :writing_hand: :cowboy_hat_face:

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Very cool, love the idea!
Definitely gives me an inspiration to see how I can use it, then twist it a bit in my own fashion :smiley:
Not the first time you’ve been an inspiration to me :wink:

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The original expression is by @GAUSS and was made to move downward like the seconds on a flip clock with the expression placed in the Y box. I decided to put it into the X box and then made the number line to match it. My first use of @GAUSS’s expression was here: MAG 981


Its nice, simple and clean, I just cant figure how to prevent the second marks from shimmering. Maybe it has something to do with how facer downscales the imported images…

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mrantisocialguy muchas gracias !!! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1: :+1: :+1:
Por compartir el diseño y la idea !!! :writing_hand: :+1: muy importante y muy interesante!!! :100:
Voy a ver que puedo inventar con esta idea …
Yo en estos dias estoy pensando que diseño puedo crear…
Cordialmente !!!


On my test watch MAG 1449 shimmers just like you mentioned. On the original MAG 981 it doesn’t shimmer. I’m not sure if it’s the difference between horizontal and vertical movement or the fact that it’s a light background and dark time line that doesn’t shimmer and the reverse that does. It could also be caused by the fact that the lines are so thin that the OLED display can’t display the width without the shimmer. If I do another watch face using a horizontal time line I will increase the tic thickness and see if it goes away.

UPDATE: I just widened the tic marks on the horizontal bars by 2px each. It still shimmers on my test watch, but seems less pronounced. It isn’t as noticeable as it was before.


This is great Mr Antisocial Sir, very imaginative, I congratulate you :clap:
(Tested out your formula an image and it works great too :grin:)

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