I wondered about one thing. Why in Web Facer we cannot arrange the faces as we like?
I explain better. In the phone app of facer i can choose to arrange faces in 2 ways:
A) Alphabetically
B) Last used
In web Facer i have not this choice. The last face that you have saved, becomes the first in the Face’s list. Just as in option B.
If you have many faces, after some time it becomes hard to find a specific face. You have to scroll down and up through all the faces to find the one you want.
If i could arrange the faces in Alphabetically order would be much more simpler.
Or yet, would be nice to have the option to reorder faces in any way you like through a drag and drop action.
Just as we all do with Window’s tiles, or folders
May be @Facer_Official could be interested in ?