I'm new here, but this is my favourite creation so far

I’ve been on facer for almost 2 weeks now, just as a side hobby.
I’m not a designer, or professional by any stretch of the imagination, but here’s my favourite watch face I’ve made so far.
I’d appreciate some feedback so I can continue to improve. Thanks in advance


Welcome to the Community. That’s pretty cool, nicely done :+1:

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yes, looks good!

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That’s much nicer than anything I did in my first two weeks on Facer!


For a first shot definitely not bad, you have talent! And I fully agree with mrantisocialguy

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Thanks everyone.
I’m till getting the hang of photoshop, but hopefully they’ll start looking a bit more professional as I do more

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You’re already on the right track :smile:
When time goes by, you will remark a considerable evolution.

Nice! Much better than I could do after only 2 weeks haha well done!

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