I am trying to create a battery bar by using a rectangular image inside a battery image. I set the height to #BLP#*26 which should set the image to 26 pixels tall when it is 100% full and go down from there, but it simply creates the height identical to the battery level. 49% = 49 pixels tall. What am I missing here?
Ahhhh. parenthesis…
(#BLN#/4) got me 25 pixels at 100% which will do.
BLP#*26 didn’t work though, still not sure why
If I recall, then BLP is Battery Level Percentage, with a % at the end. Which I suppose is just a convenience for displaying text, as I’m assuming Facer’s math processing gets confused by the “%” character (or wants to interpret it as modulo).
So all you really need to do is first get the percent with (#BLN#/100) and then multiply that by the max length of the bar, i.e., ((#BLN#/100)*26)
That would work! Thanks!
On a side note, I found with my gear s2, it hangs in the optimizing sage when I use the battery height formula. I switched to 20 images of different lengths that appear at the correct battery level and that seems to work just fine. Not quite as nice as the battery percentage, but i got tired of it hanging…
Does the same expression for phone battery life just by replacing the tag?