Another beginner’s question: how do you create the accompanying images of a watchface? I added an image when I published but I do not see it appear anywhere.Preformatted text
When you go to publish a watchface, you get the screen where you describe the watchface, check whether it for sale or not, etc
On that page, under Promotional Images is where you put the images with explanation.
You can also add it directly to the watch if you’re willing to set aside a variable or two to do so.
@Orakix does a lot of that with his watches.
I put it there but then I cannot see.
Maybe there are rules to respect with pixel dimensions?
Just to be clear, are you wanting an image on the watch itself with directions or on the webpage explaining things?
What file format is it? dimensions? It’s possible there’s limitations but offhand I’m not sure of them if any.
You are talking about these?
The dimensions I use for these square ones are 640x640.
Although I have used these too, 1876x818. I used this size because @GAUSS did and they looked good.
And i like your quadradical pictures, ha!
Thanks a lot
I will try
Maybe it wat the size… now it works perfectly
thank you again
My pleasure, glad it works.
I don’t believe we are talking about the same thing. Are you referring to pictures you have used In the creator?