⚠️ IMPORTANT - Pixel Watch 3, Samsung Galaxy Watch7/Ultra compatibility

Try Watchface Creators and Users on Face Book . Try the WFS Forum . I think there is a lot of cross Platform Chat on Telegraph .


I really looked forward to buying the Ultra. But I guess I’ll stick to my 5 Pro. :frowning:

Are there any other good watches which aren’t affected by this issue?


By All accounts you have the Best . Sadly of course it will not Last Forever . If we all bought £4000 watches they would . But we decided to chose Smart Watches. GW6 is compatable with Facer .


No. I went through all Garmin (and other) watches.
Samsung, with all its flaws, is still the best for most of us.


I wouldn’t want to spend money on Samsung devices if this is what they do. (But maybe a 6 just in case…)


Get Garmin and check out thier Platform .


Wish I had known this before buying my new 7, total bummer :confused:


Garmin watches are about the price of the Ultra but they don’t list what OS the watch is actually running on.

Edit: How about the Tag Heuer Calibre E4 Porsche Edition? It is cheap too :wink:


Garmin have thier own OS . That is why they can run for a Weel . Like Huawie . The point is thier Platforms for making Faces at nothing like Facer and I don’t know of any Communitys .


For universal, everyday use Samsung is the best by far.
Health functions (blood pressure, ECG), sport functions, software updates, Google Play apps (Facer included), Google assistant… the whole combination of goodies.

Garmin has many, many models of watches, none of them has everything. Something is always missing. In some fields Garmin is better, depending on a model, but no Garmin watch is “complete” for everyday use.

Same goes for other brands.

One example: Huawei watch 4 pro has much more accurate bio-sensors but doesn’t have Google/Samsung apps, doesn’t have Google assistant. You are stuck with Huawei apps.

Always pros and cons. All together I always come back to Samsung watches, overall the best.


Did anyone try the new Xiaomi watches? I feel the screen resolutions are lacking and do they actually run WearOs?


I’ve seen conflicting messages regarding compatibility for watch faces when upgrading to OS Wear 5. Some sites are saying that older watches will be compatible and others are saying they won’t. Facer even states in the top post that older watches should remain compatible.

For example, this article says upgrading will not support your older watch faces

In any case… if you do get the opportunity to upgrade your watch OS Version to the latest OS5… I recommend that you DO NOT DO IT, until you see evidence that it is working with the Facer app.


Wish i would have paid attention more because this is pretty lame. So far im not really impressed by the watch faces available from Samsung. I want my facer back!

One note/question im wondering if anyone else has experienced this is when i first got the watch i wasn’t even allowed to install the facer app - being met with a “this version is not compatible with your device” message. Now out of nowhere it installed and i can do everything like i used to be able too (view Premium faces, spin the free wheel etc) but when selecting a watch face it loads it but then goes and says i need to select facer as my faceand of course facer is not an option to select :confused:

Don’t know if this shows progress or if i somehow bypassed the software check when i shouldn’t have been able too.


How long do you think will it get for google/ Samsung to bring back facer in their WearOS? I miss the cool watch face in your app, and I think they will be cool in Galaxy Watch Ultra. I hope you guys will be able to fix this. If you need help, like signing a petition or something let us know. Im willing to help you convince goolge to bring back your app.

Thank you Facer TEAM for your hard work. We appreciate your service. I love the app and the community I hope this problem will be solved soon.


I have my doubts if facer has any priority at Samsung or google…


I think Facer has every interest in quickly solving the incompatibility of Facer Faces with WOS5.
I think that if the situation is not resolved they will receive avalanches of cancellations from premium subscriptions.
Why should a user pay for a subscription that they cannot use? :thinking:
In the meantime, having one 5 Pro and one 6 Classic 47 mm I will be careful not to update to WOS 5, if it is proposed to me. :wink:
I see that the problem also concerns WatchMakers and others. This time Samsung and Google have made a big mistake!! :grimacing: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:


I wish Facer would just say " We are working on it " . It is very Sad these things would not have been possible without Android . Android was Conceived as an open Source Coding platform for Low power devices . It looks like Google Gobbeled it up and Changed the Philosophy . Oh well . Some one might come along and Develope something for us that is Truly open Again Base on the Watch Face Format and Bypass Google . We might have to run Ubuntu or Linux for the IDE but that can work from a little Memory stick . Now we just need a Website with a Form to get together . I would happily pay a subscription to that .


Power to the people!


Google has said consistently that watch faces on old watches will continue to work even under Wear OS 5, so there’s no reason to avoid upgrading the OS. It’s only on new watches that come with Wear OS 5 to begin with that the old, non-WFF faces won’t work.

Yes, you 've found a post on the internet that mistakenly claims that Google said otherwise. But the post provides no evidence for that mistaken claim. The post links only links to Google’s own statement, which does not say what the post claims it says.


Yes, of course Facer is working hard to restore compatibility, they’re not going to lose half their business for just a few lines of code. On the other hand, their silence isn’t very business-like.