Importing Watch faces to new phone from Facer local storage

I created a watch faces a couple of years ago directly in the Facer app at the time and they are stored locally on my phone. I have never published them anywhere (at least on purpose). I have recently bought new new phone and I’m trying to transfer the watch faces to the new phone and then to my old watch (Note 7, Samsung Gear Live watch). I no longer see any import or load function in the app itself, nor do I see anyway to do this on the new website.

Is this possible and if so, how?

Hi @Tones2! You should be able to import all your watchfaces in the My Watchbox section of the mobile app. The option is at the top right in the title bar.

Let us know if you’re having any issues!

I do not see this in my Facer Android app. The initial screen shows up with Featured apps on the first screen. There is nothing on the title bar except the word “Featured” and a search icon. If I go into the app menu on the left and I see nothing where I can load it. ??

Could you post a screenshot of what you see? The My Watchbox section should be in the bottom navigation bar with the Heart icon. Thanks!