Informações diversas

Obrigado amigo…eu vou fazer com outras cores antes de publicar…

Thanks friend… I’ll do it with other colors before publishing…

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Essa mudança afeta em algo quanto a variação? Quem baixar poderá colocar a forma que desejar?

Does this change affect anything in terms of variation? Anyone who downloads it will be able to put it in the shape they want?

yes, it depends on your own watch setting

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Oi pessoal,
Será que alguém poderia me ajudar com modelo dos segundos que passam de 00, 05, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60?

Hi guys,
Could someone help me with a model of the seconds that pass from 00, 05, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60?

Numerical digits or an analog hand?

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Yes ! ! !

sorry my question was not clear… For a seconds hand to move only every 5 seconds, check here. It has already been done.

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Eu que errei amigo o que estou a procura de números de segundo para coloca na tela e rodar na forma
00, 05, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60?

I was wrong friend what am I looking for second numbers to put on the screen and run in the form 00, 05, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60?
I saw it on a model watch in the community archive

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Mais uma vez, muito obrigado amigo Russell…

Again, many thanks friend Russell…



Será que alguém poderia dar uma olhada se estou seguindo no caminho certo?

Hello, Could someone take a look if I’m following the right path?

Looks good to me!
The general recommendation for digital time is to use Db or DbZ. I have had complaints from some that prefer they can choose between 12/24 hour setting on their watch - but up to you…

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Coloquei os ícones mas, como faço pra colocar as horas?

I put the icons but, how do I put the hours?


Oi pessoal,
Está adequadamente correto?

Hi guys,
Is it properly correct?

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Looks Good to me .

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Muito obrigado meu amigo Russell… :+1: :+1: :+1:

Thank you very much my friend Russell…

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Poderiam, por favor, dar uma olhada neste relógio?

Hello, Could you please take a look at this watch?

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Oi amigo,
Poderia, dar uma olhada nessa imagem por favor?
A carga das baterias de telefone não aparece apenas a % e, a da bateria do relógio esta aparecendo.
Onde está meu erro?

Hey friend,
Could you take a look at this picture please?
The charge of the phone batteries doesn’t just show the % and the clock battery is showing.
Where is my mistake?

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