Inspection on Drafts Beta7


Can all those interested in helping to Improve the New Creator Beta Please use the Feedback option in the Login Box to remind them that we need to have the INSPECTION on DRAFTS back so we can Share Ideas on this Community.

A dedicated Fan.

Hi @russellcresser
I did what you suggest just a few days ago. Meanwhile i noticed just yesterday that in the 3 dots options has reappeared the “View” option. I hope they reintroduce the Enable Inspection too as soon as possible

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@diavo Yeah. They are improving it all the time. Good to have the whole top 100 Free and Premium. Inspections the only thing missing for me. Then I can let the Old one Go.

Hi @russellcresser
I must agree with you one more time. In the Beta there is another thing that i love. It’s the possibility to order your face not only by last edited, but also by name. Ohh and yet you can search your faces by name. A very important feature on my opinion
Have a nice weekend

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@diavo . Yeah it seems to compile designs quicker as well. A good weekend to you as well.

Hi @russellcresser
I think i have discovered another lack, or I’m wrong or from beta there is not the possibility to access the community’s posts.
In standard version when i click create i see on the left a column with the latest posts and on top of these the word Community through which you can access the whole community.
In beta i do not see this column and i cannot access community posts. If i click Community from creator beta i only see 5 watch faces. How can i reach the posts section?
Do you confirm this? If i’m wrong could you tell me how can i do? If it’s a lack i will report this too in feeedback.
Again, have a nice weekend

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Yeah @diavo you are absolutely right. I raised the question early on but no reply on that one. So I managed to somehow find a link that I keep on my Desktop and get here that way. You obviously have something like that or are you going back to the old creator to get here.

Hi @russellcresser
Unfortunately i have no tricks to access the community, so i’m compelled to do back and forth with standard version if i want access the community. Not very comfortable actually. I hope they quickly solve this lacuna. I think that inside Facer the community is one of the most important things.
I will report it in the feedbacks
Stay well

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Make this a favourite in your Browser .
Then copy the link to your desktop .

I would be surprised if they put the link back in the Browser.
But I agree the Community is so Important .

As you said , Good Weekend to you : )

Hi @russellcresser
Whaow this is a precious trick. I hope they will restore the possibility to access the community’s posts.
Specially the column on the left with most recent posts.
It was very convenient to have a glance on the last posts
Good weekend
Mhhh with all the times we said have a good weekend, it will be really special :smile: :smile: :smile:

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I found the inspection button! It is in the Edit mode under the share button now.

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Oh Well Done @ThaMattie. :trophy::+1::slightly_smiling_face:
They must have put that up recently I have been checking there.
So that’s Beta 7 sorted.
Jolly good.

Hi @ThaMattie
Really you are great :wink: :clap:
Never i would have imagined to search for that funtion under “share”.
I don’t understand why they have hidden there the function, anyway what is important is that we have available again the feature.
Thanks a lot

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