Is there a way to choose what notifications?

Is there a way to choose what notifications will be pushed in the phone from facer app? For example, I wanna keep getting milestones, new followers but not the likes…

we support Android channels so you can turn some on/off, but new followers and likes are in the same channel today. Is the reason you want to turn-off likes because you can’t see the like count and who like the faces? or just because you find the notifications annoying?

Well, was just an example but… Really, I dont see the point of that notification if you cant see anything else of the likes. Besides that, in my phone, I can have 50+ notifications in a couple of hours and I cant see all of them, just the few last. If I try to open the list , dissapears as notification and goes nowhere…

@carlosfilippa would having the ability to view all your recent notifications inside of the app help with that? Like instagram?

Maybe, but it would be awesome can customize notifications. I mean, sorry to put it this way, for the user is quite useful to favorite a face, have it to sync it later, etc. But for the designer the likes doesnt say much about your face, lot of times you have hundreds of likes and just a few syncs in a watch…