Is there any way to "split up" the text for #PBP# or #BLP#?

Hello all, I am wondering if it’s possible to separate the values for #PBP# or #BLP# text?

For example if my watch battery level was at 67%. Could I somehow have to 6 (10’s) in one text box, and the 7 (1’s) in another?

And if that’s possible, what would something like a 4-digit 10K steps look like?

Hope it’s not a big ask for you coding gods. :smiley:

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

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Hello, for example
For the last digit you can use (#BLN#%10)
For the tenths of % you can use (floor(#BLN#/10)) or ((#BLN#-#BLN#%10)/10)
For hundreds you can use (floor(#ZSC#/100))
For thousands you can use (floor(#ZSC#/1000)) and so on


ohh fantastic! I will start mucking around with this right away! Thanks so much dude!


@kirium0212 You are very Fortunate you have the Attention of the Master . For me most of the Topics @petruuccios gets into become Bookmarked Tutorials .


Yes with floor and modulo (%) you can take things apart…
Same for the date. Today’s value (in my location, right now anyway), #DdL# = 06, then the
1st digit, 0 you do:

and the 2nd digit 6, you use:

have fun…