Issues iPhone sync

When I sync on the Facer app it goes to safari and and says can’t download. Unable for faces to go to watch apps. Help me please!!!

Please help me, should it go straight to my watch and not the browser?


Welcome @trowley .Try a Different Browser like BRAVE or Google Chrome .

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I’m doing on my iPhone, not sure if I can change browser

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Ok . You need help from someone wh has sucessfully used an Iphone to sync Faces .

Just wondering, but did you download the Facer Companion App from the Store on your Watch? :thinking:

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The Facer app is on my watch. I just can’t get it to my phone to sync to my watch

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So which Watch are you using .

Apple. Series 10

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I have read everything out there and watched a ton of you tube and can’t figure out what I need to change

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I have premium but the sync button is blue, I have seen some videos where that button is yellow. When I sync it thinks for a few seconds and kicks to browser, I haven’t seen anyone else’s sync do that.

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So the tutorial video does not work for you?

No, when I hit the blue button it just kicks to my browser and says safari can’t download

i downloaded from my phone and it synced to my watch, shouldn’t it download faces to my watch app? then i add it to my watch?

I have seen comments on that issue a couple of times lately but none before that, have you raised a support request with the Facer team? If it is a new problem then the Facer guys will want to know about it, including details on your watch, phone, operating systems and version of Facer.

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You must make sure that you have downloaded the Facer Companion App on your Watch from the Store. Then you must set it up, making sure Facer is set as your Default Face on the Watch, and then you can sync Faces from your Phone, Tablet, or Computer.

Is there a companion app for Apple watches? I did not have to separately install one - installing Facer on the IPhone also installed the Facer App on my Apple watch.

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It installed on my watch when I downloaded the app on my phone. Support just emailed me saying they were aware of the problem and they were working on it in their end. And to try a different browser, but I don’t think I can use a different browser on an iPhone

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I used google chrome. It downloaded to a file then I save it to my watch app on my phone. None of the complications are functional. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Just checking, did restarting your watch and phone have any impact on being able to use the Facer app to sync a face?