It pays to look here!

You have no idea how disappointed I am if I don’t find a new topic or an unread post here in this forum to read and i look frequently! I go through all the historical (and sometimes hysterical) posts and look for interesting topics to read and oh-boy does it pay off! Today I found a topic about rolling numbers - something I have been looking for for ages! I thoroughly recommend all newcomers read every single post - it’s all here you don’t need a user manual!


That’s how I learned. It’s all here, and there are plenty of inspectable faces to look at too.




In the early days I also looked at the Crumb Trail . The Topics listed as Similar at the bottom of the Page . end keybd button . It is very easy to get lost there but sometimes that is the best way to find where you are . Often it leads to the early stuff when they did not have the Smart Tags we have now .