Just a big THANK YOU, guys and girls

I’ve caved, switched to Samsung watch ultra and now, of course, cannot work with Facer.
At the moment I’m forced to mess with Watch Face Studio.

But I want to say something else: now I fully understand and appreciate this forum and ALL OF YOU good people here!
Without Facer, without this forum and without all of you I would be lost trying to work with WFS.

Only now I see how much I’ve learned here. This is a unique and fantastic place, there is nothing else on the internet, not even close to this forum.

So THANK YOU all for beeing so good sports, thank you for sharing the knowledge!
Keep up the good work!



Yes . I looked at GWD in the Day . Which was the platform for Tizen and my Galaxy Active Watch . But I was drawn to Facer because it seemed a little easier . I actually got a lot of help in Slack . Lucky Andrie was my main Guiding Light . He actually recommended me to Come to the Community . This community is Unique . Although we have lost Andrie his spirit lives on here . Also the Early work that can be visited in the Archives posted by the Giants who’s shoulders we all ride on . I do not know if Facer Designed such a Forum. I think it is a Happy Accident . I think the Possibility to DM people is a real Bonus . If it turned out like Facebook I would have left a Couple of years ago . At least the Community carrys the Spirit of a Truly open Platform .
Yes Well Done Facer . Note Facer still supports Tizen , even Samsung have dumped it .


I agree with you entirely- 100% but from reading your post it sounds a bit final - I hope you will be back or, at least, pop in now and again!


@masterboyhr YOU have been part of the mix. I’ve always appreciated how the regulars in this community pay it forward to help others.


Sorry you upgraded your Watch my friend, but hey ho, you never know, it might be supported by Facer one day.
Thank you from the whole Community for all your kind praise though, and as @Linlay said, you’ve been a great part of this Community too, so thank YOU too :slightly_smiling_face::beers:


Hi @masterboyhr
It’s sad to see you go after all this time because you were enchanted by the sirens’ song. For my part, I resist and will resist.
I will say more, if the situation with Facer is not resolved, the Watch 6 Classic 47 mm will be the last SW that I will have bought. Money saved, on the other hand I have the GW 1; the 3; the 5Pro; the 6 Classic.
I will have SW for life. It is obvious that everyone thinks their own way, but I do not intend to give in to Samsung Google & company. I can live equally well even without buying a new SW every year.
Regarding the Ultra, I find it to be exaggeratedly priced.
Lastly, I do not intend to buy a SW and be forced to the horrible faces of the Google store. And mine faces, which I designed with great effort?
That said, enjoy the new toy and if things are resolved, maybe we will meet again


No, no, I’m not going anywhere! I still have watch 5 pro so I will be here (forever).

I just wanted to say: it’s a completely different experience.
When I joined Facer I had no idea how to make a watchface. But I could take a look inside watchfaces opened for inspection, could find a topic with the solution and could ask here.
All question has been always answered!
Such a great crowd here!

Watchface studio is completely different, nowhere to go, no one to ask. Sucks!


You can please ask Me on WFS . We do not have DM . But you can send me a WFS file . I can debug it and send it back to you . We can not do that here . You will find some great stuff there . Sadly I will not be able to help you much with the Ultra specific stuff but there are guys on the Forum getting on top of it .

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Some of us have been trying to up the participation level in the WFS forum but it’s generally everyone for themselves there. However there are resources there with the right search parameters but the difference is massive, I wish I could be a part of Facer more just for the community alone but I am trying to make enough money to put my dog through college. You know how it is…the grind. :joy:


Hi @masterboyhr
Glad to hear you will still be in the community. :blush: I really have to compliment you for your desire and tenacity in undertaking the arduous path of Watch Face Studio. For me, in addition to not having the desire, it would be impossible!!
I’m quite good with Photoshop, but, mathematically speaking, I’ve always been a real disaster. I can barely do 2+2 = 4. So… :joy: :joy:
What I have managed to do, over time, I owe it all to the Facer Community. I have always found someone willing to give me the solution for what I wanted to do. First of all the never enough lamented Lucky Andrei.
Keep in mind that, in my case, it was about having formulas ready to use, not to develop because, as I said, I do not have the ability to do that.
If I am reborn I will study more mathematics.
Truly this community is unique.
Well, let us know how it goes with Watch Face Studio.
Have a nice day


I am a dolt at math too man…but also quite good at PS and AI. WFS is no more math heavy than Facer, it just depends on what you want to make and you can usually find what you are looking for. All the things I was able to do in Facer and Watchmaker, I can do in WFS aside from the things that are simply not available, although that is all changing as we speak.


It’s… different.

Some things I like some I don’t.
It’s much better and easier to work with Complications.
At the moment I still prefer Facer.

The option I like the most is forecast by hour, Facer should introduce it.

Here is my “the first one” (and I will not publish more of them here because this forum is not the right place to publish WFS watchfaces):

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Hey jolly well done . You found Curved text as well . :slightly_smiling_face: :blush:


Hi @masterboyhr
And this is your first work with an unknown system? You are truly a genius. I can’t imagine what you will do once you get the hang of it. :astonished: Very well done. Congrats.
P.S. I like more analog dials type, but I think yours is very much in character with the Ultra. :wink:


As I said, what I’ve learned - I’ve learned here.
Facer rules! This community rules!