MAG 1719 looks like a normal watch face until the temperature gets too hot or cold. Then it changes color to blue for cold and red for hot. Not extremely important, but something a little different from the rest.
That looks great Rusty Sir, and a neat trick with the Temperature changes, well done
What is that Font you’ve used please? I’d like to use that at that some point if you don’t mind…
It is called SF Compact Rounded and there are a bunch of different styles of it, from ultralight all the way up to extra heavy. You can download all the flavors of it here: F❤ntsFree
Thanks Rusty
Yeah. Nice one MAG. I would sync it but I have a Ukraine Solidarity Face on my watch at the moment that I Love. Would you post the Inspectable link Please. Gizmo my Friend I found one of the Windows Fonts quite near it is a Rounded Bold Ariel Font. It is a little like a grown up Comic Sans. Good for the Apple WearOs/Tizen crossovers. You Guys keep making nice Faces for Nice People.
I published the watch face this morning and inspection is turned on.
I just downloaded the Semi-Bold Rounded Font and Bookmarked the Font site thanks @mrantisocialguy
Thank you @russellcresser I’ll check that one out later as well.
Want to hear a good one? I went and downloaded the Rounded Bold Ariel font and when I went to save it in my folder of fonts to use in Facer, I already had it and the regular version. This tells me I have too many fonts to use in Facer than I can keep track of…
Yeah . I have to spend some time organising my Files . It is all getting a Bit silly .
Ha Ha and they Keep posting them on Here.