Just got done doing up a new watch face and I really like it, But… I have no clue what to name it. Naming my watch faces is a bit hard for me. Any ideas on a name for this one?
I used to try to name my watchfaces but gave up. I now use the initials of my username MAG and a number. I just published MAG 2675 today.
I use both - a number and a name. So I would suggest: PBL001-METEORITE*. Or, as @mrantisocialguy suggests just PBL 001
*Meteorite because of the wizzy round things
Thanks guys. Might as well start using my PB-### Naming. Will it be a good idea to rename all my faces I’ve done on my account starting with something like PB-001 ?
That all depends on how OCD you are. I am a little on some things so when I changed my name scheme, I just started where I was at and didn’t rename any that were older.
Not sure what to name it, but I love easy to read hybrids and this one certainly qualifies. Nice job.
Ok, thanks everyone for the input. I’ll just start this one with PB-0255 because I already 254 of them made up