Lancetta secondi

Ciao a tutti, spero possiate aiutarmi nel capire xchè , dopo aver creato un quadrante, tutto funziona tranne la lancetta dei secondi. Non si muove, rimane ferma. Grazie anticipatamente


The seconds hand does not move in DIM mode - if that is what you mean.
That is the normal behaviour.


Don’t know if this is the toppic…
One of the my analog watches have some issues with the second hand. By some unknown reason the second hand stopped working and it has nothing to do with the DIM mode.

I asked the user to deinstal the watch face from his watch and from his phone.
I changed the #DWFS# tag in #DWFSS# but this seems not to be a solution.
The user reinstalled the face and the problem ist still present

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I see, I loaded your watch, yes strange indeed.

I have had some strange effects with hands too.

I recommend to delete the seconds hand, save, leave Facer creator, open the watch again and add the seconds hand again.


Welcome @antoniodeluca59 . It is Difficult at the Beginning to understand How Creator works . It would be good If we could Inspect the Work you have done . I presume you are just using the Default Seconds Hand and Rotational Tag . Make sure you are in Active mode not DIM / AOD as Tom has Mentioned .

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Hi everyone. A kindness, I would like the second hand to work in jerks, how can I do it? Thank you


Hi @antoniodeluca59 . The first question I asked . For a simple ticky hand just delete one S .
So #DWFSS# becomes #DWFS# . This trick does not apply to all tags but for the hand Angle Tags it is pretty much like that .

If you want the Super duper One from one of the Masters .


From CyberCop71 I believe . Check out his work .

This is nice from Zieneth Starr

Same thing . Two different maths styles .



Russel my hero…

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