Explanation and Code:
I use a toggle variable to initiate the movement, the rotation, and to display the data.
The left dial cover details are (the right side is similar):
X Position:
The formula is made up of 2 parts separated by “:”
The left side moves the part, when the condition of VAR_5=0 from position 90 to left by 99 to position -9 ( so off the screen). The right side is the opposite. The interpAccel does a smooth transition using the timestamp DNOW and the VAR_5_T, point when the “button” was pressed. The transition is between 0 and 1000, incrementing by 1, and since this is in miliseconds, the whole things takes only 1 second. Multiplying by 99, gives a position shift by 99 steps.
But with that alone it is not done. Opacity also needs to be set, but also via transition, otherwise the part would disappear before it moves.
It basically does the same as above, but transitions between opacity 0 and100.
Again, as before the rotation formula is made up of 2 parts, rotating between 0 and 90°.
However, the rotation should happen as soon as the part is to be moved off the screen and only after, or nearly after it has reached its position on the screen.
I used 0-100 as transition values, so 10x faster as the movement. So when the movement off the screen starts, the part rotates quickly (left side of formula).
When moving onto the screen, the rotation needs to happen later, when the part is almost in position. So the right side of the formula has “-900” in it. This means I prolong the timer by that value.
Displaying text and values on the part:
This formula displays the values and text after the 1 second, so transition is between 1000 and 1001.
When moving the parts off the screen, the second part of the formula is “0”, so just “switching off”.