LCD digital time and LCD weather icons

Below is my latest watchface in my ‘blue period’ - it’s unique (I think) in that it has LCD weather icons. (A poor attempt at icons - but I like it!)

I spent some considerable time searching for tall thin LCD fonts without success - I got around this problem by using an existing LCD font 0 - 9 and making an image of each digit. For each image I altered the dimensions to those I felt looked good for my watchface . I then made the background of each image transparent using remove dot bg and used opacity to show the digits at the right time.
I thought about adding some blur behind the large digits but in the end I think it looks better without.


I have no idea how you did it, but congratulations, it was great!!!


Yes Indeed . You Put some work in there . In WFS we can make our own Bit Mapped Fonts In the Platform . Some are using it to make the weather Icons work for the new weather . I used it to do a 28 image Moon Gadget that took 20 minutes .


How do I like *10
Awesome sauce, with rainbow sprinkles, served by a unicorn on a platter made of woven joy.

Puts my weather font to shame.

Edit. Oh, oh, so happy I found the tiniest flaw but also hope it helps you in maintenance. Make your text elements not fixed width. Makes it soooooooooo much easier to select other stuff.

Also, If your images are available as SVG images you can make your own font in FontForge and import the SVG images into each character glyph to make it easier going forward.

It’s probably quite independent but I’ll take the battery level ticked outer shades as a much prettier nod to my standard battery markers.

Edit: I like the UTC marker. Nice for spot calculations of international casts.
Sunrise/Set could be concatenated to only show rise after set ETC and maybe show UV index day and sky clarity night??? touchy on the second.

Edit: Still puppies, rainbows, sprinkles and angels frolicking.


Great, Love the weather icons ( I don’t suppose you could make them available??)

I can see a mismatch in the height of the numbers and is especially noticeable in the seconds as they change. 9 and 3 seem to be different heights (or it could be an optical illusion)


I like what you did, maybe check the slant and position (vertical symmetry) of the colon to the stretched digits. Better would be using two separate text fields with simple dots, rather than colon of original font.

I just have few ideas about the proces.

  • If you have Powerpoint as part of the MS Office, there you can manipulate width of the text applying 3D effect rotation around vertical axis. This way you can export separate digits without background or even with applied shade or glow effects directly into .png images, just by right clicking on the text field, selecting save as image. Only drawback is, sometimes the created image boundary reflects glyph width and hand alignment of image is needed.
  • Making bitmap fonts and resize each image if I want to change the size later on is pretty tedious, so I would probably try making me one new .ttf font. (actually you inspired me to make some right now :slight_smile: Plain 7-segment LCD | FontStruct and Tall 7-Segment | FontStruct)

You don’t know how happy I am that I inspired you to make the font! I will duplicate my watch face and see how it looks with it. I hadn’t thought about using PowerPoint - I actually used Inkscape to manipulate the font.


I can tell the aspect ratio is similar, but not same :slight_smile:


Congratulations!!! It’s brilliant!!! Sorry for my difficulty in fully understanding but, is it allowed to use, are there any costs?

It depends under what license it was shared.

They write this on their page:
“Always check the accompanying license before using a FontStruction in a project. The license determines how you may use the font. Many of the licenses used on FontStruct do permit commercial use. You can read a summary of the license on the FontStruction’s homepage and it is included in the FontStruction download .zip file.
Remember that all of the licenses currently in use on FontStruct do require you to credit the original designer in your work. How you do this depends on the medium you are working in.”

I assume in this case you can use it as you please, as long as you attribute the creator.


@petruuccios I like your font ,- i like it a lot. It looks more realistic than mine. Mine has thin uprights and is a bit more bold - i think for this design i prefer the existing ones.
I’ve downloaded your font for a new watch im planning and will of course attribute the font to yo. Thanks for making the font and the comparison face it has helped me a lot.
I agree about the colon and will change it.
Thanks for your help.


Peter is master of fonts but for a quick, clean, non italic LCD font then the default digital watch has a pretty nice one.


i made my own fonts for that occasion and “digital weather” icons too :slight_smile: Waiting for release :slight_smile: