Lock background position

Maybe this is an option that i can’t find, and yes i searched. But i need a way to lock the position of the background.
I’m trying to work with small dials, but if i miss-click ever so slightly, it moves the background instead.
So like other elements, i’d like to be able to lock the position of the Background Image.

Edit: Oh yeah, i definitely need this option. Trying to place a single small internal watch analog watch… i moved the background 4 times… Twice while trying to click on the Tick Marks.

He’s a way for you to get small movements without having to click and drag. If you select the layer you want to move then use the arrow keys it will move the layer 10 pixels in the direction you pressed. If you hold shift and press an arrow it will move it in one pixel instead of 10. This should help you fine tune things without having to worry about accidentally moving anything important. Also you can put your background on a separate layer and lock it then leave the actual background layer blank. That’s normally what I do anyway because the background will never be visible in dim mode but most of the time I want it to be visible. Hope this helps.

Not a solution, but That will definitely help until a proper solution is implemented.
Still, i think it should be pretty easy to just have a little Lock icon on the background layer. The code to lock layers is already there.