Looking for a critique of my new watch face


How are you doing? hope everything is going well.

I am looking for a critique on my new watchface, RMG carbon tachymetter V1.0.

It can be found RMG Designs - RMG Carbon Tachymeter v1.0 - watch face for Apple Watch, Samsung Gear S3, Huawei Watch, and more - Facer.

I really like the Idea of the tachymetter, but I think my tic marks maybe to small for a digital face. Any help or suggetsions would be great. i cant get stronger and better if I dont know what wrong.

Thank you for you help.

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I realy like the design. You have done a great job creating a sense of depth and I particularly like the shiny sub-dials; with their multiple shadows, highlights and interesting features. As for the size of the text and tick marks, well, I can’t be much help there; I need my reading glasses to clearly see even slightly small text - which is why the features tend to be large on my designs :slight_smile: .

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Thank you very much for your reply and your nice words.

A couple people I showed my watch to said that they loved the design, but the Date box is way to small for a watch of this type. So it an easy fix. but wont be able to fix it til this weekend.

Once I put fix it, if you like to review it again, that would be great. I find this very relaxing.

I mostly use adobe, and affinity designer. But may start using corel painter for the faces. But I want to get good a building them first.

Thank you again.

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You are most welcome and I look forward to seeing the new variation.


I’m going to agree. For me it is a nice concept but to hard to read the dials and too much going on with the tick marks as well. If it was me I might put the date on the right hand side, and use the left and top for dials and make them bigger. Maybe even overlap them. I like where you have started and can’t wait to see the finished product. Good luck.