Looking for a designer

I am looking for someone to commission possibly to make an animated watchface for me based on my favorite video game. I have the ideas but not the time to do it. Thank you in advance.

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Hey @jacob_schneider Welcome . You should give a little more detail . Which game . Analogue Digital or Hybrid. What complications would you expect to see on the face . I know a few that would accept your Commission .

Sorry I am a newb. I am wanting a scene from Chrono Trigger. The lavos battle scene. I want a digital clock, date, battery, and steps at least. Using the atb bars as the percentage meters. I hope that helps but any other info needing i can provide.

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Yeah . I think you should post a shot here of the Image you want . Just do a screen grab of the frame you like .

What you have to think of is we work on a different format from the game screen . If you are actually playing the game at the moment you might be able to get a shot from the console .

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Chronos Gif 01
Chronos Gif 02


Some one is on the Ball :::)))

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So i cant find the exact scene i want so i guess i will be forced to play the best game ever made again to capture the scene i want haha. Now i just need to li e up a designer and find out the price.

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No Price is Best. Those that are Signed up as Partners do not do requests as far as I Know. Premium Makers do not get any of the Subscription. Facer frowns upon the Buy me a Coffee Gig. If you make an arrangement with someone keep it quiet.

Gotcha well i prefer to pay people for the work they perform so maybe i can locate an arrangement somehow for this. I appreciate the help.

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