Lost face in update....cant find it...help!

Watch took an update and I lost one of my favorite faces… looking for this one, anyone know the name I can search and find it? thanks!

Gimmie 3 minutes. I’ll make a new one. lol


Took me longer to find the font :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Ha Ha Well done @kirium0212. Would have taken me more than 5 minutes to draw the line between the date and steps. I hope this does not turn into a Tumbleweed Topic and you wasted your Time. :rofl::joy::rofl:

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I’m always here so it’s not a waste of my time. :upside_down_face:

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Are you going to Publish that face out of interest .

Right! Let’s see if it charts! Hehe

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ahhh but wait! I would never want to be accused of copying another person’s work. Nevermind.

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Amazing!!! but I totally get not wanting to copy someone else work… back to searching… lol

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I personaly think the level of Innovation is hardly contentious. If you look at some of the basic stuff on Facer they are vitrtualy Identical. @kirium0212 can do a Blitz Publication.