Make image overlay opacity like photoshop?

Hey, is there a way to make opacity effects like photoshop ?

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Hi, You can only increase and decrease the opacity…

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Yeah but this won’t apply overlay effect


Designs should be made somewhere like Figma or Photoshop and then used here

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I know. But overlay on photoshop won’t be assign in facer


More designer in Facer have nice design. They use programs like Photoshop, Figma, and Canvas… You should check them out… I use Figma.


Okay thanks


yup it’s too bad there are not more blending/overlay options built into Facer. Just add it to the list of what you wish could be done with Facer. But first, let’s hope that someday, we could first group our layers…baby steps.

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I use to do my graphic work. You can design stuff with layers and then just save the single layers and add them into Facer for the effect you’re looking for. As long as you keep the size all the same for each layer / element it will work just fine.


The problem not with layers i want effect on these layers and it’s not available yet

What kind of effect exactly?

Since you said “like photoshop” and I don’t have and have never used Photoshop, I was assuming (my bad) that you needed different parts of a graphic to have their own opacity control in Facer.