Makers Masterpiece Collection

Let me get this right, I can send a face I made that I am proud of that doesn’t have whole lot of syncs? If so, how do I send it to you @russellcresser ?


I have too many that I thought would launch me into the Facer stratosphere but alas, they did not. :grinning:

Here’s one that a spent an ungodly amount of time on to build from scratch
that has garnered just 86 syncs in 2 years…


Hi Russel, my personal favorite is:

Thanks a lot for this initiative.


@Linlay . Thank you . You will see I have asked Each Maker to Submit only one Face for this Project . I have no Idea how I could manage any thing else . Will you Please put a Face forward to add in.


@pinbal24 . Post a link here . I will add it to the collection I have made . This is just for Esprit du Corps . As I said with a lot of Makers the Face they are most pleased with as Makers is not always a big Sync Grab . It might be good to see them in a gathering .


Somehow the link in your post is not working…

@russellcresser : here the link: CAF - M69_CF - watch face for Apple Watch, Samsung Gear S3, Huawei Watch, and more - Facer


Great thank you @kirium0212 my friend.

3 Likes Thank you very much.


Hey Tom @tom.vannes I have had trouble with some of Christians @christianfernandes38 Links before. So thanks for Wrangling that. So thank you Both. BRAVO.


Thank you for your invitation, but I hesitate to participate because I was admonished on Facebook by one of the ladies who creates free designs a while back for including premium designs in the same topic as free designs.
I’ll look for a free design if I have a chance.


Some time these things are about rebuilding camaraderie . If I thought for a moment the collection would be sectarian I would not have even given it a thought .


I would not call this masterpiece, it was attempt to give free users some kind of interactive customization, but it was too complicated to explain, even more to use.
I like the look and expected little warmer welcome, but I am not disappointed.


What a good idea RusselI

This is one of my earlier faces that I’m quite proud of. I’ve not seen the tickmark function anywhere else on Facer and it was my first try at anything out of the ordinary.


Thank you Peter @petruuccios


Thank you Wane @waynehardy66 . Yes nice to come up with something different .


I first started making watch faces 7 years ago because I couldn’t find a simple Roman numeral watch face that I’d seen a picture of that I liked. So I made it. Warren Silberstein - WPS Roman Emerald & Gold - watch face for Apple Watch, Samsung Gear S3, Huawei Watch, and more - Facer
Then I started making watch faces that the Grandchildren would like, but the Quads are now 13½ years old and no longer play with my watch. Next I started concentrating on making watch faces that I thought were beautiful, something I’m still doing. I have lots of flower faces and elegant gold & jeweled faces. Then I started learning from you guys how to make tourbillons and dials that rotate, etc, and even came up with my own formula for the moon disc rotation. I have so many designs I like. After all, I make them for myself and share them with the world.
If I have to choose just one (do I? or can I submit more than 1 favorite) I pick this one,
Warren Silberstein - Ball drop info - watch face for Apple Watch, Samsung Gear S3, Huawei Watch, and more - Facer
because the concept is completely original. I wish I could say all parts are original, but I can’t make GIFs and the dropping ball was taken from an online image since I can’t design such items either. My graphics program is Photoimpact, which I love, but it’s not a powerhouse like Adobe Illustrator


Great thank you @wsilbers .
BTW well done with your moon disk rotation formula to 11 decimal places. :slightly_smiling_face::first_quarter_moon_with_face::rocket:


@ russellcresser I just did this one and very proud of it. I finally got the scrolling text right. Will this one be good enough?


Thank you @pinbal24 . That is great . In Preview your scrolling looks a bit Jumpy . I wonder if you used #Dsm# as the timer . I have added your Face to the collection and the Promo Watch Face . Good Job .
I see the Scrolling very smooth on the Web Preview . Well Done .


Thank you sir!!