Makers Masterpiece Collection

I hope to build a Collection Of Facer that All the Makers on Facer can contribute to . I would ask that the Maker Nominates One Face they are particularly Pleased with which means it may have had only a few syncs . I would say they should have been published . I hope that Free and Premium will be in there . I also hope Partners will join in .


Congratulations friend Russell!!!


Where is your link Please you are a Maker ?
Onde está o seu link? Por favor, você é um Maker?


Much kindness from you my friend!!!
I have to gather courage!!!
To be alongside these artists!!!

Muita bondade sua meu amigo !!!
Tenho que criar coragem !!!
Para estar ao lado desses artistas !!!


Maybe it should be for non-partners cause I think you can only have 20 faces in a collection. Unless you’re going to do something like a “Part 1”, “Part 2” etc.


Oh well that is very magnanimous of you @Rator . Thank you for the Heads up . I would not exclude the Partners . Especially the ones that contribute here . I will have a look but I have a Collection of Most Liked that has more than 20 . I will run with it as it is at the moment . I would love to see what you consider a Gem . It is easy for me to say but I don’t think the User Vote actually Reflects the Effort we put in to some Work . I was actually thinking of Making a Face to promote the Collection but I would value your opinion on that . I have already Made a Post on the two FB Pages that we Love . May be it should be some thing for the Contributors to share . My feeling it it will not be Swamped .


@christianfernandes38 . This is not about how Clever Makers are . I am hoping it will just be about what we feel reflects our development at this time I think you have developed well . You have tackled parts in Creator that many Established makers have not . I want you to find something you are proud of and share it with us . I will do my best to make it so a Maker can change thier Minds . But I will limit the Collection to One Face per Maker .
@cristianfernandes38 . Não se trata de como os Clever Makers são. Espero que seja apenas sobre o que sentimos que reflete o nosso desenvolvimento neste momento. Acho que vocês se desenvolveram bem. Você abordou partes do Creator que muitos fabricantes estabelecidos não conseguiram. Quero que você encontre algo de que se orgulhe e compartilhe conosco. Farei o meu melhor para que um Criador possa mudar suas mentes. Mas limitarei a coleção a uma face por criador.


@Rator I am glad to report I have a collection that has 99 links . I understand a Partner being limited to 20 in a Promo Collection . But if it is a Private Collection Let us see :::)))


I have a Face that I use all the time because I love its’ simplicity and beauty, but I’m on my phone and can’t find any way to stick it in your collection sorry.
Here it is -


My biggest challenge was the 7-segment flip watch. It took me quite a while to figure it out. I had to put it aside several times until I had it. I have made a tutorial and opened up inspection to show what it took to make it. To date it only has 46 syncs. But I must say, I am quite proud of it and can stare at if for ages :sunglasses:


oh! I stand corrected! Yeah maybe it’s just for promoted collections, you’re probably right.

Well, if you do decide to include partner work, I like this piece. It never really took off. Maybe because it takes a bit to get used to how to read it, but it took a while to get the rotational code to work, and I worked with @Orakix to get the needle to rev on wake which looks pretty awesome I think. (Thanks man!)

(click the center to switch modes, and click the dim mode on and off to see the needle rev)


@Thanks my Dear Friend . No I have to add it to the Collection . This is becoming very interesting . I have a feeling it is going to be a Nice Thing . I am working on a face to promote the collection . I will show it when I think it is working and get peoples Ideas about opening it up on fresh Faces ???


@tom.vannes . Thank you very Much . Yes I think you should be proud of that .


@Rator Thank you very Much . This Project is turning out o be very Interesting .


Yeah I really like that one @tom.vannes, and I remember that tutorial you did. It’s one of my favourites and really well done. One thing I look for in a face is something that doesn’t have the flashy fancy picture and static things, yet one that really takes some tecnical thought & put together nicely, and this is it. Definitely original worthy of a masterpiece collection.

Great idea to put this collection together @russellcresser. Facer should put it on the front page.

I’d most like to nomitate something that was taken down a few years ago and only I can see now. A far less dubious version called Time Drop is still up, but I won’t nomitate it as it just isn’t the same with all the good parts taken out. Maybe for the purposes of this category the following one I did a couple of years ago is pretty good, as it has quite a bit of science in it for accuracy and is presentable.


Thank you very much Brad @bradtc . The Face I wear most of the day is a private face with Interactives on it . So I can not publish it and it has some markers on it that are manually set to my location . Some times we have to keep the Private Sauce to ourselfs :::)))


Friend Russell,
Her idea is fantastic and I’m going to use it to share a little of what I’ve learned!!


Well Done . Thank you @christianfernandes38 . Christian . I will add it in the morning . On my phone right now.


Serious? Thank you very much! I’m already proud!


I actually asked “the powers that be” about the collection contents limits. Some of mine have about a zillion because there is a limit on the number of collections. That seems to be capped at 100, but so far it doesn’t matter about the contents. The number 20 was just an unofficial suggestion back in the day because people would probably not scroll past about 20. @russellcresser you may want to limit the number of entries per person for obvious reasons. Well, have fun, guys. :grinning: