I would love to learn about the math formulas.
Is there a way to understand the math formulas for producing certain effects, or any codes for that matter?
I don’t have a clue about them and wonder how you all know how to use them to get certain effects. The only way that I have used them in my watch faces is when someone shares their code… Which I totally appreciate. You are all so generous and knowledgeable.
I have a notepad full of formulas that other’s have shared. It is so awesome to have that recourse.
But is there documentation or some instructions to help explain and understand how the math or codes actually work?
Like for instance, an example of code that explains what each symbol and syntax means and what effects it actually produces?
Thanks so much.
I spent years on various coding languages starting with Basic . I tried to keep what I was working with Basic . using things like PicAxe and MicroBit . When I started with Facer the Formulas were new to me and I did not think I would be able to remember any of it . Slowly it has sunk in . I have had tons of help from real Masters among whom I do not include myself . Here are shots of how to get to the Documents from Creator . Admittedly they are not much use . Make yourself files and folders with formulas in and your own description of what to change . If you struggle to understand let us know and it can be explained . I have to say I have butchered many formulas using trial and error without knowing how they really work as I am not a mathematician and it is very plain for them to see I am not , But for me if it works it is OK .
Thx Russell, You are always very helpful. I appreciate the help.
I see that you habe iused this formula in the watch you ar wearing right now .
$$ are used to denote a Conditional statement . Some platforms do not use them but () instead so that is confusing . Until you become a Master it is best to stick to that convention .
#DWE# is a timer in second and Milli Seconds from when the Display Wakes .
<0 is the condition that is to be met to move to the tasks
? is often refer to THEN
100 if not then 0 .
The basic structure is a standard Coding Structure in all languages .
If ( variable ) is ( condition ) then do ( first task ) else ( second task ) endif .
What you have there is a bit of a cheat . And can be a bit confusing to start off with .
#DWE# is never less than < 0 so it tis theoretical but it works .
Try a test with an image and this in the opacity .
Play with < > and = and see what they do .
% Modulo is a useful Tool .
It divides the changing number and gives 0 and 1 . Play with that . If you learn how all this works you have become a Coder . These are some of the basic building blocks .
I put formulas in TEXT boxes to see if they are working or not .
That code was shared with me from “Mr Anti Social Guy” to allow an animation sequence to be visible on a watch preview.
Thank you for the in depth explanation. I really appreciate your time. That is exactly what I am looking for.
Almost for everything you will find some example in this forum. When not , you can still ask the cavalry
Thank you.
Russell is great with the Math and he explains it all pretty as well
Hah Ha . Bless . There are plenty of formulas I would struggle to explain. But we have to take them for granted . We learn slowly which numbers we can change .
This is from @Zieneth , Zieneth Starr . Now he is a Master . Really nice Seconds Tension Tick .
This is the work of the The Genius above . It is the orbiting body of an orbiting body . Related to the Length of daylight .
X position
Y position
Check out the face . To see how it works . Thank you Zieneth .
I did a bit of orbital stuff here, with the alien as seconds, TARDIS as minutes.
Earth rotates the sun once an hour and day rotation of earth and small moon around earth are based on 1h = 1y: