Mileage code traveled

I can’t find the code kilometers traveled.
I found the ones from the distance from the moon.
I attach an example
if you know the code humidity’

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Kilometers walked is ((round((#ZSC#*0.00762)))/10)
Humidity is #WCHP#


thank you very much you are kind

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this mileage code, what kind of miles does it measure? what does it do?

That is an approximate of the distance you have walked based on the step count your watch has measured. It is an estimate, and the real amount will vary between everyone who uses that on their watchface.

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I have various toggles on a dial, do you know how to set a toggle as the main one, so that it appears first when a download starts?

I’m not sure I understand exactly what you are asking. If you want something that is toggled to be on when the watchface is downloaded or becomes active, you need to set the value to ‘0’ as in $#VAR_1#==0?100:0$. Or if you want it turned off then $#VAR_1#==1?100:0$.

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