Missing collections

I remain frustrated at the lack of resolution to my problem. You have given us the means to create collections, but not the means to manage them.
Once I create a collection it shows up on my Samsung S7 in the Facer app in the watchbox under collections. Each collection has a little red heart with a check mark in it. If you click it (even accidentally) the heart turns gray and the collection immediately disappears from your phone, no warning, no opportunity to reclick the heart to make it stay, just POOF! Gone!
There is no means to add collections to you phone in the Facer app. The collections that have been zapped from the phone remain available on the Facer web site, but they also lack any management tools. You cannot choose a collection from the web as a favorite restoring it to your phone.
I suppose I could remake a missing collection to have it show on my phone, but since there is no means to delete a colection from the web site, then I would havve a duplicate collection.
Since I have not received any help on this subject after several inquiries, I presume that my conclusion that you have not created any tools to manage our collections is correct, therefore, I respectfully suggest that you create those tools on the web and/or in the app.

I tested what you were talking about. Now I have a collection that I can’t even delete. Who makes something to put on the internet and sets it up so it can’t be deleted without deleting your whole profile and account?!?! Someone wasn’t thinking when this was done. Hey @Facer_Official what can we do here?

Today someone requested one of my designs. I went to my profile page only to discover that the collection it was located in is missing. The only way I could get that collection to show up was to add another watch face to it using the dropdown menu. That put it at the top. At that point I noticed another couple of collections missing from the bottom of my profile page (on the computer). Perhaps there is a limit on the number of collections?
I am going to spend a few days making a list of the URL’s of my collections so I can find them if I get more requests.

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That is interesting. I have 36 collections showing on my page which is the correct number. The drop-down menu for adding a watchface to my collections will only show me 35 plus the add new collection slot, but I can get to the hidden one by entering the beginning letter for that collection and keep pressing that same letter until it shows. I went to your page and counted 100 collections. My question is, how many collections do you have in total?

I have over 100, but do not know the exact number. I’ll have that this weekend after I get all of the URL’s that I can find based on the folders of artwork that is saved on my computer.
Edit: I have 110 folders, however that includes Premium Bundles. The contents of those are designs pulled from favorite collections so no great loss there as long as they are duplicates.

I have located 5 missing collections so far. As I added each back to the top of my profile, a Premium Bundle at the bottom disappeared. As mentioned above I don’t care about those, but I do care about the regular collections because I refer people to the designs in there if they ask about a certain theme, etc… I’ll keep looking, but based on that it appears that there is a limit on collections - perhaps 100. After that the less active ones and bundles disappear only to be found with the “+” to add a design to a collection. I’m going to start stuffing my current collections instead of adding new ones - and no more bundles.

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Sounds like a good move to me. It’s a shame that Facer doesn’t give us the option of deleting collections. Once we make one it’s there forever. We can change it to something else, but the URL address of the collection still has the original name encoded into it. :weary:

I’m sure addressing the collection situation is on the To Do List somewhere, but staff is very busy working on bugs that are causing problems on watches. I can’t blame them for that. At least we know to keep an eye on our collections. It may be a different number for Partners so I’m not sure if 100 is the magic number for everyone.

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And I don’t envy them in the slightest. I spent 20 years as a General Motors service technician. (auto mechanic) I was the one who did all the electrical work and the computer work. Talk about chasing “bugs” I had my fill of it. On the subject of collection numbers, be it partner or otherwise, I have no intention of trying to find the limit. I have too many collections now.

aye, I find it personally irritating that on the facer creator page, I can’t choose to view my collection in alphabetical order, I’ve over 1400 watch faces, but tend to find I’ve used the same image twice in many of them, weeding out duplicates depends on happenstance.

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@Gecks70 . For Alphabetical order chose Title .

well blow me down and curdle me with a plate of milk! it were there all along!
Thank you!

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That works if you can remember the title of a particular watch face but when you get to 2K designs it’s a bit of a challenge.


Tell me about it, I’m over 2.4K published and unpublished.