Month & day hands degrees


I created a face with month and day hands using this expressions:

((((#DOW#)(360/7))+((#DWFHS#)/(35/3))) for days
(360/12))+((#DWFHS#)/(35/3)))) for months

but I wanted to make both hands start at 0 degrees, so I added a +/-N to the expressions:


to adjust the inclination. All seemed to work good, but I noticed by exiting and re-entering the edit the inclination was no more right and kept changing even if I was adjusting it everytime.
This made me think there’s something wrong in the expression but as un-skilled mathematician (and by calling myself this way I’m still exagerating) I can not understand why and what to change, even after some empirical attempts, like switching the position of the +/-N within the parenthesis.

Any help would be much appreciated

Why didn’t you use #DMR# and #DMYR#? The fewer calculations, the better.
Smooth hand movement is a requirement?


That was right what I was looking for, sorrry for opening a topic when I just could take a better look at the expressions list. I used #DWR# for days as my whhel was focused on day names instead of day numbers.
Big thanks.