Month of the year progress circle

I’m struggling to get a progress circle to move according the month of the year, also I’m trying to get the progress circle to be halved to create and ark (I’ve managed to do this with a battery indicator).

I’ve never written a line of code so I’m not sure where to start, I’ve found the expression #DMYR# but i don’t know how to use it.

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OK, now this is cheating (sort of) but it works without any fancy expressions.

$#DMM#=1?0$ $#DMM#=2?0$ $#DMM#=3?0$ $#DMM#=4?0$ $#DMM#=5?0$ $#DMM#=6?0$ $#DMM#=7?0$ $#DMM#=8?0$ $#DMM#=9?0$ $#DMM#=10?0$ $#DMM#=11?0$ $#DMM#=12?0$

Just change the zero after each question mark to the month’s hand rotation value where you want the hand to point. I normally substitute a second hand and remove the rotation value and just move it to where I want the hand to point, then insert that number for the month, weekday, or whatever I have the hand doing. (just remember to change the tag for the correct item.)


For a full circle Month Progress Ring it’s (#DMYR#/360)
So for a Half Circle it would be (#DMYR#/720)
I’ve added a Half Circle Month Progress Ring to this example Face, so if open the Face and select the little Rocket Ship Icon (Inspection) Rocket-Inspection Icon you’ll be able to see the workings for all the Date Elements ok -


This worked thank you!
I tired the the /360 but i didn’t use brackets.

I have some questions that may sound pretty basic to you if you have time to answer them, if not no worries!.
Can you tell me what the brackets mean/are used for? also can you explain why to use half the circle we have to /720?

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That’s cool, i think i understand it.
so if i wrote


if it was monday it would point at a 45 degree angle?


Yes, you are exactly correct. But you will find that #DOW# is more universally accepted by watch brands than the DOWB version is. That was pointed out to me by someone else a couple years ago and I have used nothing else since then.


Thank you so much! I shall be using this, I feel like I’ve learnt something lol


The proper syntax for




I presume this is for rotation…

Brackets are best used if you are not a maths expert. They organise which order the maths is done. It helps to keep track of the process. Basically the brackets in the middle do thier work first. If you know exactl which operands have precedence you don’t need so many. They rarely cause problems. Check for some number to the upper right of the Tag box ther should always be some number ther or text you have typed. This is the only dubugging or syntax check you get.

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Yes, it’s to force the hand to a fixed position. Or at least that’s how I meant it to be. I may have not expressed that thought clearly. Some days I have problems thinking clearly, let alone expressing myself. :laughing:

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Yeah sorry I was just repeating for clarity. I have to get it clear in my head or it makes no sense at all. In the othe coding I do the syntax is not so forgiving. We always have to define the Else.

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With my math abilities the “else” usually ends up being broken. :laughing:

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