Here is my latest fun watchface for radio hams and Arduino fans. It’s a WIP because my intention is to have the morse code to traverse the top half circle anti clockwise as if it was being sent. I haven’t yet figured this out as each sequence of morse would have to be delayed slightly
I’m looking at on wake, DNOW & DWE but I don’t know which is best - but I’ll figure it out!
My father in law was in communications in the army, and I inherited his device. I think it is pretty neat:
Very clever indeed, well done
That is a great start, 73 de MAG
Beautiful story and equipment. Till when did he used it professionally, private?
Very nice, had the same thought about morse. You beat me.
You still have a chance - mines not finished yet!
@BIELITZ . I would just use ((#DWFSS#)*4) which should give you a 15 second chance to read the Message . Subtracting the offset to spread them out looks like 45 degrees to me . Be Aware that your Factor has to divide nicely into 360 or you will get jump on the minute. I guess you are using animations for the Morse segments . So you will have to ORBIT them with one of the standard formulas . Dropping your time base in for the variable . Do your tests with some seconds hands to get your time base right . I think you want as big an arc for the message for guys like me that will take a week to read it .
I know what you mean - hence the Arduino kit
Ha Ha . I want that Arduino Kit . Check what I typed . Use #DWFSS# it is a bit smother . What you have there is fine you never want to see more than one instance of the message . Your it should only be missing for a few seconds . if your arc is 135 degrees or something .
If you get stuck with the orbits let us know.
He was from 1926, so must have been in the army in the 50s I guess. He had the device on his book shelf ever since I got to know him in 86. He was an electrical engineer and had loads of cool gadgets: short wave military radio communication unit, a Sunbeam light bulb from 1895, and a current balance (I have not understood how that works!):
I see on Wikipedia that a kind of Current / Amper Balance is now used to Calibrate the Kilo . Leading edge of Science sitting there in its Brass and Mahonany Glory .
Gosh! Morse takes me back, I joined the RAF when I was 17 and learned morse code. I was stationed at Brize Norton for 5 years too, incidentally when the Morse TV programs were being filmed
There is a Nice bit of Synchronicity.
Here is the latest version of my Morse watch - I followed @russellcresser suggestion and used #DWFSS# which gives in my opinion a quite nice effect, however, it is not the effect i was looking for (although I may publish it as it is now). What I want to achieve is that the morse code starts to appear/rotate travelling from 3 when the watch is woken and then stops at 9 until the dim face activates.
Morse code was used in maritime communications until 1999. At the stroke of midnight on January 31, 1999 , Morse code was retired from international maritime regulations. The 3D printed morse code key in the watchface is in fact an improved key made by Vail. Vail helped Morse develop a practical system for sending and receiving coded electrical signals over a wire, which was successfully demonstrated in 1844.
#Bielitz - Morse - watch face for Apple Watch, Samsung Gear S3, Huawei Watch, and more - Facer
The formula you are looking for is:
The *50 is the speed, and the 90 values are from where to where.
Mate we can do that easy . I will do a test with Hands . For You . It is best to flag something up to see where people are with their project . If you had said on Wake I would have said #DWE#*6 . It needs clamping and that is Voodoo to me but I am sure we can work it out or wait for the Cavalry to turn up .
Oh there you are the Cavalry turned up while I was talking . Nice one Tom . Topic Bookmarked . I think you are part of the team that often turns a Topic into a Tutorial .
Thanks thanks and thanks again.
Everybody on here is Cavalry! Me, I only just got my foot in the enrolment office!
You must include yourself . You have a nice collection of interesting work . You are not making Zero Effort Stuff. This has turned into a vey interesting Topic . No Tumble weed Here .