Still getting my feet wet. Trying to understand some functionalities and how to incorporate different kinds of movement. Built out the bezel and added text. Tried to create a custom minute and hour hand…but they got really distorted. So back to the drawing board on that.
I’m very open to recommendations on improvement here. Both from a style and function perspective.
I was very torn on the color of the arms. Didn’t want them blending in the white, blue screamed out…so the gray tone is an attempt to meet in the middle. Want to change up the weather too…but unsure of what. Also this one is decorative for day, and tactical for night.
Thanks in advance.
Ya know, I’ve had my watch for a few years now. And I have a couple of really complex faces. I can’t even imagine the amount time that goes into some of them. Maybe I will get luck and find them in here and they will have inspection turned on.